Sandra Ansaldi is a doctor, specialized in psychiatry. Having always painted, from 2003 she frequents dedicatedly during 4 years the workshops of two Turinese masters, where she develops her abstract technique. Besides painting, she also dedicates herself to the engraving. Since january 2011, she’s part of « Arting Association » ( and she attended the historic workshop IDEM located in Montparnasse. She lives and works in northern Italy and in Paris. In 2008 she worked on a project of covers for Alfredo Marzano's book appeared at the beginning of 2009 (Iecur: storie e chimere. Ed. SEEd). She also dedicates herself to the writing, more particularly to the poetry, what was worth to her several literary prizes (prize Pierangelo Bessone, on 2003; Prize Pavese to San Stefano Belbo, on 2004; Prize of the city of Mesagne, on 2005). She published for “Gli Spigolatori” Editions a little anthology of Italian poetries in october 2011.
Permanent exhibition: Belartvita Gallery (www 8 rue Augereau 75007 Paris (open from thursday to saturday from 2pm to 7pm
November 2013 : "Open doors to art" - Paris 16
general exhibition
December 2012: Piccola Galleria Materica, Mondovi (Italy)
private exhibition
February – may 2012: Arting Gallery, La Défense– general exhibition
January-March 2012: International Prize « Kosmos » (Tuscany) for best emerging italian artiste
November 2011: ST Art, Strasbourg : European Contemporary Art Fair
October 2011: "La Goutte de Terre" Gallery, Paris
general exhibition
September 2011:
- Espace 117 Gallery, Paris
general exhibition for « Europa Donna »
- Couvent des Récollets, Paris
general exhibition
July 2011:
-Parallax Art Fair, London
- Prize « Il Segno », Zamenhof Galery, Milan
June 2011:
- IV Contemporary Art Biennal, Genova (Italy)
- Movicentro, Bra (Italy)
general exhibition
- Journée de l ‘Estampe (Day of the engraving), Paris
May 2011:
- Piccola Galleria Materica, Mondovi (Italy)
private exhibition
- Oberkampt Gallery, Paris
general exhibition
April 2011: Iconoclastes Gallery, Paris
general exhibition
December 2010: Angel Christmas Fair, London
September 2010: Movicentro, Bra (Italy)
general exhibition
prize for the painting category
February 2008: Art Gallery, Turin
general exhibition
June 2007: WunderKammer Gallery, Turin
private exhibition
February 2007: Diwan Café, Turin
private exhibition
March 2004: "Artes" Gallery, Mondovi (Italy)
general exhibition
October 19th, 2010: Targato Cuneo online (
July 6th, 2007: Giorgia d'Errico, "Corriere dell'Arte" magazine (page 11)
"Sandra Ansaldi ends the season, informal and abstract style of a psychiatry artist"
February 2007 Ferruccio Capra Quarelli, "Italia Arte" magazine (page 14)
"Sandra Ansaldi : Cocoon" - Diwan Café in Turin
May 2010: Guido Folco and Elisa Bergamino, "Italia Arte catalogue"